Upgrade AMB nodes to Ubuntu 20.04Recently Ubuntu 18.04 LTS has become out of support. See this link for more information. This means any node operator still running a node…Jun 10, 2023Jun 10, 2023
The Nontechnical Guide to Onboarding An Ambrosus Masternode — DigitalOcean EditionThis guide is targeted at non-technical users who are going through the process of onboarding an Ambrosus masternode. I have seen many…Apr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021
Swap ERC-20 AMB to Native AMB — For dummiesAmbrosus (AMB) is undergoing a swap from ERC20 to Native AMB. Here are the instructions to get you through the process.Aug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020
The Nontechnical Guide to Onboarding an Ambrosus Masternode — Hetzner EditionThis guide is targeted at non-technical users who are going through the process of onboarding a masternode onto AMB-NET. I have seen many…Jul 12, 2020Jul 12, 2020